Curriculum & Course Information:
General Information: The GIS/RS Professional-M.S. program in the Department of Geology & Environmental Science is a multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental, non-research degree. Notionally, designed to be completed in two acardemic years (plus one summer), the program length can be changed to slightly shorter or longer depending on the student's work limitations. The required courses are centered in the Department and focus on GIS and RS core proficiencies. Students are also required to take at least one course in the Schools of Business, Law, and Information Sciences. A large degree of flexibility is designed into the 41-credit program so that the student can tailor his/her coursework to fit specific future career goals, personal interests, and time constraints of work/family life.
Details: During the summer of Pro-M.S. student's first year, a 4-credit Internship (GEOL 3902) will be completed. With the assistance and approval of the Program Directors, the student will work in the business environment and utilize his/her geospatial skills. During this internship a digital dossier will be compiled and include the final published report, database dictionary, and georeferenced workspace. The written report must include: an executive summary, introduction, description of GIS/RS/GPS methodology, spatial and tabular analysis, conclusions, references and any appendixes. The database dictionary must include all spatial, map, and attribute metadata in a standard format. The student must also present an oral summary and description of project during the semester following their internship.
Details: One mandatory course centered in comparative or electronic law is required for the Pro-M.S. degree. There are a large number of possibilities including courses offered at the University of Pittsburgh Law School, as well as several other Universities in the Pittsburgh area.
Details: These two elective courses should be used to further focus the student's particular interests and career goals. The sequence must be approved by one of the Pro-M.S. Program Directors and should be focused in one specialization area (i.e., in one Department or School). Students are encouraged to create their own sequence (possibly from other courses not even listed here), but several example sequences and courses are listed below:
- Examples in Geological Sciences: Topographic Analysis (GEOL 2469); Advanced Geohazards and Risk Management (GEOL 2640); Exploration Geophysics (GEOL 3410); Orbital Imaging of the Earth (GEOL-3971)
- Information Sciences: INF SCI Systems (GEOL-3904)
- Advanced GIS Theory: Geographic Information Systems (INFSCI 1068)
- Computer Programming: Programming Languages and Environments (INFSCI 2640); Programming Languages for Web Applications (COE 1520)